About Us
Message from Management
- Taking on the challenge of being an infrastructure solution consultant group for a future environment that has value -

Today, the civil engineering consultant business is undergoing major changes. Responding immediately to diversifying social values. Contributing to the creation of a sound and sustainable recycling-oriented society. Providing new social infrastructure that contributes to industrial innovation. In this expanding field of activities, the ability to conceptualize and realize are required.
It is in this business environment that the E∙J Group has formulated a long-term vision with a target of 2030. As a group that "continues to innovate and evolve, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society where people can have dreams and peace of mind," we will continue to innovate and evolve ourselves, continue to promote ESG management, and continue to contribute to the society of the future by incorporating cutting-edge technology, know-how, and knowledge.
Under this long-term vision, each of the E∙J Group companies will work to maximize group value by continuing to ensure and improve the satisfaction of customers, shareholders, employees, and all stakeholders.
We look forward to your continued guidance and support.