Disclosure Policy
Basic Stance
The Company shall disclose information regarding the management status and various initiatives of the Group to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders, placing an emphasis on "fairness," "impartiality," and "timeliness." We will continue to maintain healthy communication with all of our stakeholders.
Information Disclosure Standards
The Company discloses IR information in accordance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other related laws and regulations, as well as with the timely disclosure rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter, "timely disclosure rules"). Even if something does not fall under the disclosure obligations of the timely disclosure rules, we will proactively disclose information that is useful for the better understanding of the Company.
Legal disclosures
Disclosures based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act | Securities reports, quarterly reports, internal control reports, extraordinary reports, etc. |
Disclosures based on the Companies Act | (Business) reports, financial statements, consolidated financial statements, etc. |
Disclosures required by the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Timely disclosures | Facts on occurrences and decisions that the Tokyo Stock Exchange requires to be disclosed in a timely manner, etc. |
Other | Corporate governance reports, independent director notifications, etc. |
Other information for disclosure
IR-related information for disclosure | Financial results briefing materials, corporate reports, etc. |
Information Disclosure Method
After prior explanation to the Tokyo Stock Exchange and in accordance with their timely disclosure rules, disclosure of company information that meets the disclosure standards stipulated by said rules is done so on a timely disclosure information system provided by the TSE. Information published using this system is also published on this site as soon as possible.
Even when disclosing information that does not fall under the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other related laws and regulations, or the timely disclosure rules, we take care to convey the information to everyone as fairly and accurately as possible, keeping in mind the purpose of timely disclosure rules.
Information Disclosure System
The Company has established the Administrative Head Office as a department for disclosing the decisions or occurring facts stipulated in the timely disclosure rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter, "inside information"). Information recognized as important by each department of the company (information that may need to be disclosed) is promptly reported to the Administrative Head Office. Similarly, information recognized as important by subsidiaries is also promptly reported to the Administrative Head Office. The Administrative Head Office determines the necessity and details regarding disclosure, and upon obtaining approval of the General Manager of the Administrative Head Office, the individual in charge of disclosure promptly discloses the information. Additionally, in order to ensure information is disclosed appropriately, operating manuals for the posting of company information on websites, etc., have been established, as well as a system for disclosure in accordance with said manuals.
Flow for timely disclosure

IR activity spokesperson
In order to ensure the accuracy and fairness of information disclosures, the Director and General Manager of the Business Management Division has been designated as a spokesperson for IR activities conducted by the Company. The spokesperson may delegate other officers and employees on their behalf as necessary.
Prohibition of selective disclosure
Selective disclosure refers to the disclosure of non-public important information to a specific individual or group prior to public disclosure. The Company prohibits selective disclosure unless there are specific confidentiality agreements in place to guarantee the confidentiality of the information.
Silence period
In order to ensure fairness and prevent financial information from being leaked, a silence period is set each quarter from the day after the end of the fiscal year up to the day financial results are announced. During this period, we will refrain from commenting on questions, etc., related to our financial results. However, if there is the possibility that the forecast differs greatly from expectations during this silence period, we will disclose it in accordance with the TSE's timely disclosure rules, as well as make the information public via press release.
Of the information disclosed, the statements regarding business performance and future forecasts, etc., are based on information obtained by the Company at that time. As such, they may contain potential risks and uncertainties. Therefore, please be aware that, due to a number of factors, actual business performance, etc., may differ from these forecasts. The information disclosed is intended to give a better understanding of the Company, and is not intended to solicit investment. Please make investment decisions at your own discretion.