Creating Shared Value
Creating shared value with society under the three roles that we should play
The E∙J Group has identified three roles that it should be playing under the long-term vision E∙J-Vision 2030. These are "contribute to mitigating the burden on the environment," "contribute to the creation of a sustainable and resilient society," and "contribute to solving problems in and the revitalization of regions." These three roles are directly linked to the core competencies of the E∙J Group, and we will strive to solve issues through business.
In solving problems through our business, our basic stance is to start with open dialogue with stakeholders. In order to ensure "leave no one behind," it is important to hold an open dialogue with each and every stakeholder surrounding the Group, listen carefully, grasp the essence of their issues, and begin a new shape of social capital development.
On the other hand, the civil engineering consultant business is also making progress in the utilization of AI and ICT, automated equipment, etc., and innovation of ourselves is necessary to provide solutions that truly lead to solving problems. The E∙J Group will continue to promote open dialogue with stakeholders, innovate itself, contribute to a sustainable society, and aim for the long-term growth of the Group.
Efforts toward mitigating the burden on the environment
Developing social infrastructure for the society of the future based on the Group's environmentally friendly technologies and know-how
- Green infrastructure support
- Carbon neutrality support
- Supporting coexistence with nature

Efforts toward the creation of a sustainable and resilient society
Creating a continuous total support project themed around "safety and security"
- Responses to build national resilience
- Responses for disaster prevention and mitigation

Efforts toward solving problems in and the revitalization of regions
Creating new social infrastructure needs through regional revitalization
- Heavy concentration correction support
- Regional promotion
- Super city support